Vocational Subject Bibliography


Guide for Compiling the Vocational Subject Bibliography and the Statement on the Chosen Doctoral Topic


The doctoral student shall be required to process the broader and more in-depth literature and the related theoretical literature of his/her given area of research within the framework of his/her vocational subject over the first four semesters.  The student shall prepare the Statement on the Chosen Doctoral Topic (form) and a bibliography for their research under the guidance of the topic supervisor by the end of the first semester in line with the following requirements. The minimum length requirements are: 2,000 pages of literature per semester, or 8,000 pages in total. The approved bibliography shall make up the material of the research subject on which the doctoral student shall be tested by the topic supervisor at the end of each semester and it shall form the basis of the material of the eventual comprehensive examination.

1. Formal requirements

The bibliography must be prepared in an Excel table according to the template below which can be downloaded from here.

The individual items of the bibliography fall into four categories:

  1. Standalone volumes
  2. Chapters, papers published in edited volumes
  3. Papers published in journals, periodicals
  4. Other sources (if justified based on the topic, scientific apparatus of critiques, commentaries)

The information must appear, irrespective of the citation practices of the given field, without any highlighting (italicisation, underlining, small capital or large capital print) and any punctuation (colon, comma), with the exception of the em dash between page numbers. The name of the author shall be written in the name order of the language of the volume in question. Blank cells are to be left intact, so that the same types of details are depicted underneath each other in columns H, I and J.

2. The recognition process of the bibliography

The bibliography based on the vocational subject shall be submitted to the DIT at the approval of the topic supervisor and the head of the programme. The doctoral student must send the completed bibliography as an e-mail attachment by no later than 22 January 2024 in the exam period of his/her first semester to three addresses: those of the topic supervisor, the head of the doctoral programme and the secretary of the doctoral school (itdi@btk.elte.hu). The topic supervisor and the head of the programme shall have five work days to confirm in replies sent to all addressees of the letter whether they accept the contents of the vocational bibliography and whether they approve of its submission to the DIT. In the event that the head of the programme makes specific professional objections regarding the bibliography, the doctoral student and the topic supervisor shall have ten work days to make the necessary corrections. In this case, the bibliography must again be turned in pursuant to the procedure described above, and the head of the programme must again be required to confirm his/her approval or disapproval.

If approved, the bibliography shall be discussed by the DIT at its subsequent session. The bibliography may still be corrected if so requested by the council, on the basis of its recommendations and the provisions of its resolution.

The starting bibliography can be expanded, modified up until the comprehensive examination, with the topic supervisor keeping track of the changes. The final version of the bibliography shall be included in the work report to be turned in by the student for the comprehensive examination, also subject to approval by the head of the topic supervisor and the head of the programme.