HEAD OF THE PROGRAM: Dr. Krisztina Menyhárt 

Our goal and mission since the foundation of the Doctoral program of Slavic Literatures have been to provide organized education for those interested in Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Ukrainian literature.
Due to the very different development histories of the cultures and literatures involved in the program, their regional and European embeddedness, and the diverse particular professional interests and orientations of the faculty members and supervisors, the topics advertised in the Slavic Literature Doctoral Program are varied and diverse.

Nevertheless, since the foundation of the program, it has become clear that two major areas play a key role in the formation of its academic profile. Firstly, the study of interactions and parallels between the Hungarian and the various Slavic and Baltic Literatures and cultures. Secondly, the analysis of the interactions between the various Slavic and Baltic Literatures that determined their development history due to the major influence of the idea of Slavic reciprocity that has been present since the 19th century.

It is important to mention that the doctoral program also provides opportunities for those interested in the literature and culture of any of Hungary's Slavic minorities.
The doctoral program of Slavic Literatures was founded by university professor Péter Milosevits, and the current leader is university professor István Lukács.

The program is backed by lecturers from three departments of the Institute of Slavic and Baltic Philology: the Department of Polish Philology, the Department of Slavic Philology, the Department of Ukrainian Philology, and the Lithuanian Minor Department, who through their widespread international contacts have become well-known Hungarian experts in their field.


The lecturers and topic announcers of the doctoral program in Slavic Literatures are:

Etelka Doncsecz (Slovenian literature)

Anna István (Slovak literature, Literary theory)

Agnieszka Janiec-Nitra (Czech, Polish literature)

Róbert Kiss Szemán (Czech, Slovak literature)

Aranka Laczházi (Latvian, Lithuanian literature)

István Lukács (Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian literature)

Jolán Mann (Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian literature)

Krisztina Menyhárt (Bulgarian literature)

Okszána Taskovics (Ukrainian literature)

Dorota Várnai (Polish literature)